through these WORDS of
Lael, Victor, Gordon, Joshua, Grace
through these WORDS of

Eddie, Dana, Helena, and Zowie
--PART 1--
Out on the library walk changing the world, shifting the atmosphere, and taking our authority over the devil.Grace's worship was so powerful that the peace of God fell upon library walk today! She is surely an anointed worshiper! Praise Jesus!

She started to bawl and praise Jesus and had a very tender encounter with the Holy Spirit as she prayed in tongues. I prayed for healing over her right knee and she received the healing because WHEN GOD REVEALS, HE ALWAYS HEALS! Even though she did not have pain when I asked her, she said sometimes she would feel pain. So we declare complete healing over that right knee in the name of Jesus! I love how the Lord encounters His children who are so in love with Him.
--Part 2--
Another really cool thing happened:
After Latrice left, I was praying and just looking around at the people, and suddenly my RIGHT CALF MUSCLE started to twitch as I was looking at this man, Tom Colley, standing by Victor. He is supervising all the events on library walk and is all for freedom of speech. I was not sure whether it was him, so as my eyes turned from him to another person, the twitch stopped. So I went up to him and told him about what's happening, and he said, "Nope. My muscles are feeling fine." And then he started to talk about weird stuff like, "I used to feel people's pain before as I was working as a tharapist. I quit because of the emotional pain...." Something like that, just interesting stuff. Before I could go deeper with him about Jesus, he left.
So after our time on the library walk ended, we(the group) were sitting by the grass sharing hearts and being encouraged by each other. Somehow Tom came back to say hi to the group, and the first thing he said was, "Hey, guess what? As I was walking up some stairs just now, my RIGHT CALF MUSCLE started to hurt!" And I was stunned for about 5 seconds. He told me that he is fine now, but I believe God wanted to show him that He is ALWAYS WATCHING! This is something so intriguing!
God actually gave me a Word of Knowledge for an event that would happen in the FUTURE! If Tom did not come back to share that with me, I would not have this revelation! Thank You JESUS!!!! I'm just so so so humbled once again that I KNOW it's not ME who does the healing or has the knowledge. Wow.
...when He, the Spirit of truth, has come,
He will guide you into all truth;
for He will not speak on His own authority,
but whatever He hears He will speak;
and He will tell you things to come.
-John 16:13-
He will guide you into all truth;
for He will not speak on His own authority,
but whatever He hears He will speak;
and He will tell you things to come.
-John 16:13-
Can't get enough of it? Get ready for MORE!! =D
--Part 3--
I saw this guy, GREG, walking out of Student Health Services (which is right on library walk) with his left arm + ring finger + pinky wrapped up. He fractured his pinky for the millionth time. At first he was using all those swear words to describe his condition, but as I started to share with him the testimony of Pilar @ Arcadia Mall (THE VIDEO ON TOP OF THIS BLOG), his heart was stirred and I felt the Spirit changed his heart. He let me pray and lay my hand over his hand, and he told me that he felt TINGLEY sensation during the prayer! So I just encouraged him to pay close attention to that for the next 24 hours because tingling is a sign that God is healing him. And I felt his spirit was tenderized because (not to boast or anything) I was there to release the presence of God over him! He showed great gratitude toward my prayer, and I give God all the glory yaw! =D
--Part 4--(Best for Last!)

This is the main reason: He tries to use his brain to perceive Jesus rather than open his heart to receive Jesus. (Man that's some good word right there Johnny) It's the matter of the heart. He knows what is going on, and he desires a breakthrough.
So after going through lesson 3 about the Holy Spirit, we started to pray. And man God was right there in the midst of us (Matt. 18:20)! I started to feel the weight of His Glory upon my hands, so I hovered my hand over his hands, which were in the receiving position. And THERE! Peter felt the GLORY (aka WEIGHT) right there in between our hands! I felt like there were two electric balls right there like DRAGONBALL Z's Kamehameha aka 龜派氣功 (no joke lol)! God's presence was all over us and as we were confessing our sins with one another and be healed and set free from bondages and sins (James 5:16)! It was Peter's first time feeling the weight of His Glory EVER!!! And it was super intense in all the good ways! We were amazed how tangible God's presence was tonight right there in the middle of the student center's food court! He also felt that the entire atmosphere was shifted and he had one of his first IMPRESSION/VISION that he saw in his spirit a beam of light shooting up the sky in the midst of the darkness, and he felt that light is right there where we were sitting at. I'm excited for what God has in store for this man! Wahahah!!!! Man I wanna do more Project Elisha with him and get him drunk in the spirit in no time! Come on, Holy Spirit You're awesome.
As we were about to leave @ around midnight, we saw Ben, a leader from a fellowship on campus, and we shared with him what happeend and he got so pumped that he started to pray with us, and that was something real sweet. Thought I'd throw that out cause he came right in time to join the party!
Alright, I think that's enough for today, getting ready for another amazing day. I love that every day is different and fun! God is so creative! Man I'm receiving some breakthroughs and I'm not even done with the fast! LOL! Bring it on!
And I pray for you readers right now to be filled by the Spirit of truth which reveals more of who Jesus is and show you the plans that God has made for you! Receive it! Amen!
haha yeah. same here. dude!
i haven't seen what your phone looks like. everyone keeps saying it and i'm like what the heck? xD Show me!