Anyhow, he then shared with me about what's been on his heart. He just got back from Chile beginning of 2009, and he is going to graduate in June, and then he will be moving back home to Ventura. This season is especially rough for him because he is transitioning from Chile to SD to Ventura in a short 6-month period! We really shared our hearts out and prayed with each other, and the Holy Spirit was there tugging our hearts gently as we lift each other up. The three of us (Garrett, I, and Holy Spirit) were having an awesome time over Greek food.
As I was on my way back to Arcadia, I popped in Kris Vallotton's message series called ALL THE KING'S MEN. He talked about King David and those people around him. The first message is about Jonathan and David. Jonathan would DIE for David because he loved him so much to an extent that he gave up his right to become the next king (his father was king Saul) and gave his position to David. Sometimes the only way to fulfill our dream is to give it away and submit under someone else's dream and build a covenant relationship that is beyond ministry and work. We cannot value ministry over relationship.
He talked about the king that tried to rebuild the city of Jericho (Jack talked a little about it on Sunday). That king had to lose his FIRST and SECOND born sons! I would not trade anything for the LIFE of MY SONS, yet that king did. I simply cannot afford losing relationships. Jesus was and is all about covenant relationships.
After that message, I started to feel really heavy in my head and really stuffy inside of my entire nasal system. So I turned off the music and started to just focus on driving. Then I started just doing some singing in tongues. I haven't done that for quite a long time, and it was pretty nice to yell as loud as I could when no one is around, and driving 70 mph was a plus. Well, I finally got home safely, PRAISE THE LORD! The drive was little less than 2 hours, but it seemed like 4 hours had passed because I was not feeling well. Long story short, now I'm feeling just fine, just tired and need some rest for tomorrow as I start doing some reviewing for my finals (Lord help me!) and working on some Baby Shower stuff.
I am very excited for this weekend even though I do not know what's going to happen!
thanks for sharing that. we must all have one of those 'not my day' feelings.
glorify the Lord with your studies, bro. that's your duty at this season. no compromises... don't let anyone fool you into 'less excellency'...
:-p love ya~