So far I feel quite well! Thank You Lord.
Haven't slept cuz I started working on my paper at 12 last night until just now I turned my paper in and had some food(finally!) I had 2 Starbucks' doubleshot espresso @ 4am & 7am. They work pretty well eh! And I was like a water-chugging champion over the night: I bottomed the big Arrowhead water jug(there were about 4 liters and I just kept on chugging). I think water is the most important thing if you ever want to pull an all-nighter and still feel energetic(I mean you definitely would need some caffeine too)! So that's the past 15 hours: working on my paper! Oh Lord, I pray that I can get a better grade on this paper than my last one!
Here's what happened BEFORE I started my paper:
Snake Head
Again, awesome. Grace sent a long message to 24/7 prayer soldiers about what's on her heart and her burdens. I was reading that the night before and again this morning, and my heart was stirred up.
Here's what she wrote, and I believe that this is the core thing to start going after, dear college goers:
This is weighing heavily on my heart:
Refuse to settle for the encounters of yesterday, the experiences, the mountaintops of yesterday. CONTEND that today you would encounter the living God. I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Seek him today with zeal. today, today, today.
we're alive today,
seek him and contend for the today encounter.
HUNGER is the currency of Heaven.
I exhort you, push away the things that satisfy us and allow the painful hunger for the things of God come forth inside of you. Heaven looks for hunger. Heaven seeks after hunger, and pours into those who hunger and thirst.
Why spend money on what is not bread,
and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good,
and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.
-Isaiah 55:2-
Blessed are you who hunger now,
for you will be satisfied.
Blessed are you who weep now,
for you will laugh.
-Luke 6:21-
Blessed are those who hunger
and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
-Matthew 5:6-
He's looking for the hungry.
Hunger is our meal ticket,
the thing that will buy us the things of God.
It's not just a day.
It's today that we will encounter the living God.
Someone posted a question for me:
give us some pointers for campus revival.
i feel like we really need to step up our game,
but we're not doing anything.
any suggestions on how to start?
My answer for you:
There, Grace said it all.
We can't give what we haven't received.
And I urge all of you on campus to have a heart that longs for blessings and anointing to a point that you even want to "steal" other people's anointing. This happened to Esau, whose blessings were completely stolen by his brother Jacob(later Israel) because Jacob CONTENDED for the 1)Birthright and 2)Generation blessing. I wrote about this here a couple days ago.
Are you CONTENDING for every chance to encounter God on campus? How hungry are you? If you're not hungry, then why should you be filled up? And if you are hungry, WHAT are you hungry for, then? Start seeking what it is that He wants you to do for your campuses.
If you want to start going out and praying for people, GO DO IT! If you want to start a cell group on campus, GO DO IT! If you want to preach His kingdom in public, GO DO IT!
The more you do, the more you will received because of your contending heart for revival to come upon your campuses. Don't forget the greatest commandment: LOVE the Lord & LOVE your neightbors--this ALWAYS comes first. I guess what I'm going to share next might answer some of these qustions.
If you read my blog yesterday, you would see, in orange, that YOPP's putting up those crazy big signs CAN WE PRAY FOR YOU? FREE SPIRITUAL READING & DREAM INTERPRETATION. So there we were, on the library walk. From 12~3:30 we were right there, amp'ed up with guitar & mic for open-air worship, and I was holding up the Can We Pray For You? God Answers Prayer! sign right there while William(aka Speech) was holding up the dream interpretation sign(he has the gift of interpreting dreams!). I was so excited to do this, and I expected so much of His presence there; moreover we've got live worship there to invite His throne down right there in the middle of Library walk.
I basically did this:
1) Held the sign up
(This is the most important part)
3) "Can I offer you a prayer?"
No - "Bless you!"
Yes - "How can I pray for you?"
That big sign is from the Lord. He draws people to His presence. He makes people to pay attention to these 8, 9 people offering prayers to the entire campus. I was so encouraged to see how many people actually smiled back! When people started to read the sign, they would just see me smiling, and most of them smiled back! And then I would take the next step when they looked at me.
For 3.5 hours on library walk with that sign on, guess how many people I prayed for?
I didn't keep count, but I think I prayed for definitely more than 15, if not 20 people in that 3.5 hours! God just kept on preparing people who are hungry for prayers. This girl at first said, "it's okay, thank you," and then suddenly said, "actually yeah I have a request." The next thing I knew, she was balling over her roommate who is facing a relationship and emotional struggle. She loves her roommate very much and what she wants the most is to see her roommate's life be completely transformed by the power of God! So I asked Grace to give that girl a hug even though they don't know each other. God's presence was right there on the campus as we were singing out loud praising the Lord shouting out "He loves us, oh how he loves us, oh how he loves us!!!"
I've never felt something as crazy as this:
Praying for people became more addictive as I kept on pressing in and believe that there MUST BE someone who's hungry for God!
Here are some of the people I prayed for:
Steven & Kevin(school work & midterm)
Jomo(traveling to North Cal)
Tess(guidance from the Lord--she's a freshman!!praise the Lord!!God draw more and more freshmen who are completely hungry for You and contending for revival!)
Tiffany(left knee-skateboard...I was excited to pray for her because my left knee has been healing!)
Brad(the first person I prayed for. I saw him while we were setting up so I immediately walked over and had a talk with him and prayed for his ankle. he's a believer and super cool. he was heading to class or I would've talked to him more!)
Fionna(relationship restoration)
Kathy(relationship issue)
Two girls from Korean Campus Crusade(they were actually witnessing around campus so Gordon and I prayed for them!)
Asian guy(forgot his name!-fractured collar bone)
And many more whose names I did not record down. Lord I pray that you will bring comfort, healing, love, and fire to all those I smiled at and prayed for.
Guess what? I said hi to my math prof and my english prof as they passed by, and they were like...."uh....hi." I mean I shook hand with them and their faces were kinda AWKWARD XD....Lord I ask that You would stir up my professors' hearts with that handshake.
Moreover, I saw the girl I prayed for on Dec. 15!! Go read the post that day if you wanna know what happened! Anyhow she's walking perfectly right now and she's still a really cool person with a positive attitude, and again I pray, Lord, that You would draw her close to You! I'm so encouraged!
And, of course, we've got 3 speakers set up right there with live worship. And tell me that God's not gonna come when we bring the Love Tent inside out! Come on!
It's Love Tent without the Tent. It's LOVE.
God I just can't get enough of You!
I'll totally share some of it this Sunday!
Lord it's so good to be Your witness!
This is the verse of the day:
Be on your guard;
stand firm in the faith;
be men of courage; be strong.
Do everything in love.
You know that the household of Stephanas...
have addicted themselves
to the ministry of the saints.
I urge you, brothers, to submit to such as these
and to everyone who joins in the work,
and labors at it.
-1 Corinthians 16:13~16-
(NIV, italic/bold in KJV)
So I got back and took a good nap and woke up at 8, went to 24/7 prayer meeting. There were 14 people there(including the Holy Spirit!). Jon played the guitar again(he played so many Misty's new songs!), and I loved it cause I could just feel the room filled with His presence! We prayed for students, professors, and even classes that bashes God and Christ--how we want to see the true Word of God being taught during English class as the Truth, not as myths. We again prayed for signs and wonders to happen everywhere on campus, and I read Matthew 10:8--this is the first things that Jesus told the 12 disciples to do when He first sent them out in pairs!
Preach His Kingdom, Heal the sick.
Freely receive, freely give.
-Matthew 10:7~8 / Luke 9:1~2 / Mark 6:7-
I felt unity during that prayer meeting, and it is when we speak the same language and have the same vision that nothing is impossible for us to accomplish, then what would happen is we also have the power of the Lord with us? Kaboom indeed.
After the prayer meeting walked with Brian to his bike and met up with Jeff(he went to Gospel choir) at the same time, and a crazy testimony was yet to explode:
Guess what? Brian actually prayed for Jeff way back in November and Jeff actually shared it with me on Dec 4, our first meeting! So basically God used Brian to pray for Jeff, and let me meet Brian, and then let me meet Jeff and led him to Christ. It's all a crazy puzzle that God's done(of course it's not a puzzle to him!). Lord You are so awesome. And tonight we three are together--tonight's the first time that Brian and Jeff met since November! Isn't that crazy??? Anyhow I bet Jeff's got that in his blog. But that's what's going on last night after 24/7. God' still moving and stirring our hearts up....crazyyyyy =)
So I encouraged Jeff, who prayed for two people on library walk, that his prayers would not be in vain but be in those people's heart and one day they have a huge encounter with the Lord, they would remember that some guy prayed for them on library walk that day! Just like what he did to Brian! Come on! Lord thank You for this small yet awesome world. I totally forgot Jeff telling me that a guy named Brian prayed for him. I remembered very clearly that I told Jeff, "I know which Brian you're talking about! I know him!"
However, God let me forget about it and set up this amazing meeting =) Brian was completely encouraged and actually sent this testimony to all his friends XD So twas a super amazing night.
Oh God, I feel like I've only had a tiny glimpse of Your Kingdom! I desire more! I'm addicted to praying for people! I just want to set a time apart and take up that cross and that sign to follow You and serve my campus!
Love You Lord.
Come be the fire inside of me.
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