Eleven More To Go

Friday, February 1, 2008
By johnny
Times surely goes by fast.
I can't believe Febuary is here already!
Today was great. Prayed on the snake head.
With Robbie, Victor, Gordon, Jon, and Jessica.

So here came a group of middle school kids with a student tour guide. The tour guide asked us to step aside just for a sec so that the kids could stand around its head while he talked a little bout the
snake path. One kid was standing on the snake's eye, and the tour guide asked him to step away from the snake.

"You're hurting it," said the guide.
I was like....woah. I know that this tour guide was kinda just playing with the kids, but he did not know that the words he said carried power. He kept on talking.

"This snake a living art."
Just pause it right there. Woah. That tour guide does not have any idea how alive the snake is in the spiritual realm, yet he was confessing that this snake surely does have some power.

"There's this concept of walking up the snake path--just like 4 years of college, and when you finally wind up to the snake's head, you've reached the library, which represents the tree of knowledge."
Woah. This tour guide really had no idea what he was talking about. I really do believe that the enemy's using all these tour guides as tools for his own purpose--kill, steal, and destroy. And these middle school kids were being affected by his words!

More human knowledge = Snake = Humanism.

And I did not realize something until this morning that the snake's head & its tongue points right at Dr Seuss' statue. This is totally a set-up between Horton Hear's A Who(Pro-life) & Humanism/Abortion! It is not a coincidence that all the artworks all over campus are perfectly set-up--through the hand of the enemy. The first art of Stuart Collection was this huge bird-like creature called "Sun God" that is now standing high on this campus--it is totally crazy cuz UCSD's annual Sun God Festival is infamous of student's extreme usage of alcohol and drugs. It's the festival of lust! And there are SIX colleges on campus, and the sixth one does not even have a name! Moreover, the tiles all over that 560-foot filthy creature are all hexagonic(with six sides)! Faithful readers, UCSD needs your prayer desperately in order to see those walls tumbling down, one by one.
So the tour left, and here came Chanelle, a banker working for BOA. She came over and asked what we were doing and all that and whether we would like to open a free checking account. We shared with her about this whole snake and tree and Horton deal, and found out that she's a believer and she was really impressed and encouraged by our faithfulness and determination to see revival come upon UCSD even though she's not from our school!

So I called Sarah up and put her on speakerphone, and everyone on the serpent's head prayed for her. It was wonderful to see another school's doing Love Tent also. Sarah, keep your head up, cuz God's gonna open up the heavens right there above UC Riverside! Boldness and speak in power.

Left for a good lunch by myself. I saw a guy walking with a crutch, so I went up and asked him what happened and he told me that his right pelvis is fractured and now it's healing. I offered him a prayer and got his name--Omar Felix. I will definitely do some follow up! Thank You Jesus! I ask that You glue the fractured pelvis together and make it ever stronger than before!
Went to class and saw Brittany(the girl whose feet had surgery and who has arthritis), the girl I prayed for on Tuesday, and she told me that her feet are doing just fine even though she was still on wheelchair. God I declare a complete healing over Brittany right now! Thank You Jesus.
After class I headed back to my dorm. And here came a girl who had two crutches, so once again I grabbed another chance to pray for an injured person. Her name's Iris Han and she sprain her ankle playing football. I prayed for and walked with her for she was heading to a class. Anyhow, I just pray that her heart would be stirred up because someone prayed for her healing because God wants to heal =)

And that was that. So I called Jeff up and we hung out a little bit at the library while I was fiddling with my baby Mac. I signed up for a .Mac account and I've created my very own
webpage! Go check it out yo even though it doesn't really contain much, but I love the picture.

Hung out with Brian Cheung over a good dinner. We chatted quite a lot about the election/primary coming up. We also talked about our health and all that jazz. It was great hanging out with Brian. He's just a great listener and a man of love. I totally forgot to share with him about the sunflower! Ah! I have to next week then.

24/7 prayer meeting
I basically fell asleep for like 30 minutes.
And when I woke up, I felt that God told me this: "Can't you even just stay awake for an hour?" This is what Jesus said to Peter, James, and John after His praying in the garden of Gethsemane. The times is near. Can't you stay awake with me? Can't you pray and not be vulnerable?

Then he returned to his disciples
and found them sleeping.
"Could you men not
keep watch with me for one hour?" he asked Peter.
"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.
The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."
-Matthew 26:40-

That totally hit me. I shared it with the group.
This really applies to any believer. Dear Lord I do not want to be sleeping when You're coming in Your glory! I want to watch and pray every minute so that I will not fall into temptation. Yes God many times my spirit is willing but my body is weak. O God, would You strengthen me with Your Holy Spirit so that I'm strong in both spirit and body!

Thursday night is a really harsh time to have prayer meetings for tomorrow's Friday; moreover, this week is the midterm week. Everyone was tired, weak, and exhausted from work. So we all shared a little bit about our lives and this brother Brian Park who can rock out awesome djembe beats asked us to pray for he has aero-otitis media. His ears are sensitive to air pressure, especially his right ear. So right away I offered him a prayer for my left ear was healed with a prayer last Thursday right there on the snake head! We prayed for him a several times, yet his symptom still was the same, yet his faith was totally strngthened! God I still believe that You will heal Brian's ears at the right moment! He believes You are the Healer!

Then I called Jeff up and we went to Starbucks and chilled for a while and talked about his life and how we both should set up a time where we just study, or maybe study together in order to keep each other accountable. We're starting that next week. Anyhow, I was working on this outline for my paper that's due on Monday, and Jeff couldn't really help me out cause his brain could not function after 10pm lol. Anyhow, we had a good time just hanging out, and he's taking me back home tomorrow! Sweeeet.

That's about it for today.
God You are so good.
Thank You for reminding me of Your goodness.
I love You!!


ps. Rick & Marianne(Sam's parents) are in Los Angeles! God would You let us meet up somehow tomorrow! I want to see them and at least hang out with them for just a while!



blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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