Thank You Jesus.
I was reading an article on LA Times last night--"A 2007 survey found that Americans still overwhelmingly identify with the major Christian religious groupings." And guess what? I read Joy's blog and her new post is all about this article!!! XD....Lord You sure do put this issue in many's hearts.
75.2% of all Americans.
That's 3 out of every 4 people.
Are you as confused? Cuz as I am.
Let's do a little calculation, shall we?
So 75% of the entire US population(303 million people) identify themselves as Christians!
That's 303,000,000 x 75.2% = 227,856,000!
This survey really bothers me even though I don't think it is a biased article at all. The researchers are just doing their jobs--doing surveys. Yet the result is appalling, to me at least. If this survey is pretty right-on about the percentage of "Christians" in the US, then something is radically wrong.
Here's what I wrote on Impact's forum(I don't think it still exist now...I was trying very hard to find it) about an all school meeting back in my high school about this thing called "stepping in" or something like that. It was a big deal on campus. Basically when the category "Christian" came, I started to walk toward the middle. As I was walking, I saw almost half of the school moving toward the center. So I stopped walking. I was very confused. So I stood half way between the outside circle and the inside cluster, observing. Almost half of the school body was in that inner group! That's about 300 people! I was shocked and didn't know what to do. I can still feel that piercing pain through my heart. My heart couldn't stop aching for a couple days.
So this article totally brought the memory back, and a bit of the heartache too. Those who call themselves Christians yet have never taking up their crosses and follow Him are held accountable for what they said/wrote in the survey. It's not my place to judge; Him alone is the only One who judges. However, I feel God's heart breaking for those lost sheep & prodigal sons/daughters.
75.2%.....GOD!!!!! Even just half of them would not hide their true identities, a massive revival would totally arrive to this nation! Do you call yourself a Christian? If yes, then are you having an intimate relationship with God first? Are you willing to leave everything behind just to follow the Son? Are you compromised with the world right now or are you craving for the Truth to be revealed and Light to be shone in the darkness?
I don't know what to say, really, but to cry out.
To cry out day and night. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you feel what I'm feeling, feel free to leave a comment.
My Lord, let those 75.2% proclaim this:
His word is in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I am weary of holding it in;
indeed, I cannot.
-Jeremiah 20:9-
Jesus, I plead Your blood
over my sins and the sins of my nation.
ps. Worshipped with YOPP in front of the library today. It was awesome. Heaven opened up as we yelled out, "HE IS LOVE....HE IS LOVE....DO YOU HAVE LOVE?....HE IS LOVE!" I then shared Jeremiah 20:9 and Eddie started to sing the verse. Man was it awesome. So I took out my Mac and we recorded our worship for 21 minutes. Pretty sweet. I love worshiping and singing freely with Eddie, Speach, Maritha, Grace, and Jon. These are crazy lovers of Jesus with bones on fire! Anyhow, Tess(one of the people I prayed for last Thursday) passed by and said hi to me and said she like our open-air worship! Too bad she had to go somewhere, oh well. God is GOOD! Come on!
pps. Tonight during YOPP everyone wrote on the board names of the professors and faculty and we all prayed for their salvation and divine encounter with the Lord, especially our chancellor Maryn Anne Fox and this physics prof Fred Driscoll(I mentioned him a couple times). Lord I ask You to give them dreams and reveal Yourself to them so that their lives will never be the same once they encounter You! Thank You Jesus! We love You! YOPP was firey tonight. We were all crying out once again to God that He would shake the foundation of Humanism on this campus and destroy the Tower of Babel(Men trying to become God or think that they are, in fact, gods) right here on this campus!!
Aching Heart & Burning Bones
turtles, turtles...
Jesus!! use me to do something to save my genaration!!
God's judgment is going to fall first on His house...
if 75% claims to be Christians...then when the judgment comes...!!!
shut up in my bones! dude amen.