Super Tuesday + Mardi Gras

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
By johnny
Today was Super Tuesday & Mardi Gras.

Woke up.
Snake head.

Eddie asked all of us stop reading and listening to iPods and simply come before God and ask the Son of God be exalted and the snake's head be crushed today. He had a meeting with Huckabee and other 600 pastors all around San Diego. And Huckabbe said this himself, it goes something like this: If the humanism is not eradicated from UCSD, there will literally be bloodshed on campus by 2010. Eddie said that humanism is ALL they were talking about at that meeting. It's crazy how three years ago no one was really seeing this. So for half an hour we were praying the same prayer. Sarah was once again mentioned. Eddie told us, the current students, that we should just GO for three out of five of us are graduating this year. He said that Sarah took the baton and started to run, meet up with leaders and school deans. And I really do hope that this movement will continue and grow stronger in Christ. He also told us that our prayer meeting on the snake's head is HUGE. Many people are touched by our consistency and our determination and wanting to start movements too! Even Lou said that to Eddie the other day!
Went to class. Saw Brittany and asked her about her feet. She came in with crutches. She's going to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully she can be off crutches. Jesus right now I ask for a complete healing over Brittany's feet and her artheritis! In Jesus' Name I demand the pain and the disease to leave her body. Amen.
Went to vote for Huckabee. I pray that my vote is counted. Then I joined Victor, Brian, Maritha, and this cool Korean guy on Library walk holding up signs that says HUCKABEE FOR PRESIDENT! JUSTICE IN AMERICA! I LOVE HUCKABEE! Some people were supporting, and the others, bashing. One girl walked by giving us the finger even. God bless her soul. I ask a radical encounter from the Almighty Himself for that girl. Anyhow, I voted for Huckabee because he is the only Pro-life and Pro-family candidate that's left in the run. And I do pray that God would awaken the church to see which candidate is holding their policy up toward God, not men.
I was totally exausted. I took a 2-hour nap! I never take naps but I needed one so badly. Then I went to a music senimar. PRetty interesting and I learned quite a lot about music starting from late 19th century. So I missed out YOPP tonight, and I'll be missing out 24/7 and YOPP this Thurs and next Tuesday...oh well, I signed up for this class and it's only a 3 time deal. Pretty excited for the next class for each of us need to bring a piece of music that has to do with electronics. We'll see.
Afterwards I hung out with Jeff at school's cafe for like an hour. I told him all about Abraham, at least to my knowledge. But yeah it was good hanging out with him and knowing more about his life and all. God please don't stop stirring up Jeff's heart!

I'm in need of sleep, so that's about it today.
Keep on praying for justice and life in America.
Pray for the eradication of humanism in college campuses!
Jesus I love You!


ps. Just checked. McCain won California, Arizona, and New York(three big ones) and is now on the lead, having 516 delegates. Romney has 207, and Huckbee is trailing after Romney, having 142. Clinton is now having a rope pull, with just 100 delegates ahead of Obama. Keep on praying, soldiers. Pray for justice and life.


February 06, 2008 7:35 AM Sarah Wang

gasp* no color today??!! O__o

February 12, 2008 10:41 PM Cheezy

Hmm. Wow. Reminds me I really need to do some reading, reasearch and intercessing. Yo man. Huckabee is Chuck Norris approved. What can go wrong! HA! jk. That was a joke... a really bad. one. right... Keep running hard.



blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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