10 - 12am: Snake Head
It was great as usual. There were seven of us there! I just love all of them: Eddie, Robbie, Gordon, Victor, Maritha, and Daniel. Eddie shared with us that our little stand on this head is bringing impacts. He talked about UCSD to a group of 100 young men at The Rock Church, and all of them broke down into tears after hearing Eddie spoke about the snake head and all the testimonies on campus. So at some point, all of them are coming to the snake head and pray!
Another cool thing is that signs and wonders broke out in San Diego State University! This guy Micah healed 4 people in one day through the power of the Holy Spirit! He healed this lady who has had back pain for two years and after a prayer, she broke down into tears because all the pain was gone! God's doing amazing things in San Diego. How about your city? Are you ready to take down your city for God?
So the vision of yellow sunflower came to my mind after a bee rested on my shirt for a sec. I felt like we are not just random flowers, but sunflowers. I read a little bit about sunflower in Wikipedia(words in brown):
Sunflowers in the bud stage exhibit heliotropism. At sunrise, the faces of most sunflowers are turned towards the east. Over the course of the day, they move to track the sun from east to west, while at night they return to an eastward orientation. This motion is performed by motor cells in the pulvinus, a flexible segment of the stem just below the bud. As the bud stage ends, the stem stiffens and the blooming stage is reached.
Bud stage means the stage before the blooming stage. Woah. I feel like we are right now in the bud stage, with all faces turned toward not the sun, but the Son! Our consistent prayer is like the heliotropism, and we are just holding on there for that right moment to bloom. And when the stem is stiff, the flower is harder to be moved by any mean! When the blooming stage arrives, I can just imagine fields of sunflowers facing the same direction with roots not in the soil, but in the Rock. And I love this line:
The wild sunflower typically does not turn toward the sun; its flowering heads may face many directions when mature.
Woah. I'm still blown away at this vision. If those wild sunflowers don't turn toward the sun, when it blooms, it will not face the right direction! God would You turn those wild ones back to You! I want to be a yellow sunflower that blooms with pride and confident in You and You alone! This vision was given to me by Brian Cheung in one of my older posts sometime back in December! Thank You Jesus for revealing the meaning behind it!
So after snake head they headed to Price Center(the main student center of UCSD), and I left to study for my 12:30 class' quiz. As I was studying, I saw this girl on wheelchair. I realized that she's in my class for I remember seeing her in the front on a wheelchair.
So here comes the inner man talk: Should I go? Yes, I should. I've got nothing to lose, and I might just make a new friend!
Praise God for the struggle stopped in just one minute, so I courageously walked up and said hi and told her that I've seen her in class and all. I asked her what happened to her feet, and she told me that she had extra bones in both of her feet from dancing. She's had two surgeries already and they really do hurt. She can walk alright, yet the pain's a bit too severe that it's better for her to commute on a wheelchair. So I basically asked her whether I could pray for her feet and she was cool with it. She really did appreciate my prayers and then she told me that she has arthritis also and that was the main cause of the injury. She has stopped dancing for four years now, and I could see that she still has a passion for dance. So I told her that I've heard many stories how God healed arthritis, and I believe that God wants to heal her. So I prayed for her again and she really appreciated that too. I will see her on Thursday and I will pray for her again and this time, I will ask her to put some pressure on her feet and see how they feel. But anyways, all glory and praise to God! Her name's Brittany, by the way. Please do keep her in your prayer because I believe that God's going to take the pain away and when she goes for a check-up next Tuesday, the doctor would tell her that she's completely healed!
12:30 - 1:50: Class
I aced my quiz without studying for it! Thank You Jesus!
2 - 3:30: Price Center
I went to Price Center and joined YOPP to attend their table over there. We reserved Price Center from 12 - 3 just for YOPP. With AMPLIFICATION! Basically whoever's there at PC could hear Eddie preaching, through the amp, the Word straight at their faces. Eddie's such a faithful man and his way of evangelism is simple radical. No compromise. God is real and Jesus is alive and the Bible is true and written divinely. He's basically out there saying all the crazy things like he's been yelled at and pointed with a knife and been told "I wish you were dead" on campus. My heart was so stirred up. Then there appeared this guy, Kyle, who went up and took the mic from Eddie and started an argument with him, with many f & s words. I totally believe that that guy's mind and mouth was controlled by Satan himself. He was bashing Eddie and all of us, saying all these ridiculous stuff that didn't make sense at all. And the argument totally got the entire Price Center's attention! It was totally divine! Anyhow, some people cheered Kyle up when he was bashing how crazy it is that there's a God. However, silence broke out after Eddie replied Kyle's comment with love instead of anger. A girl there then started to yell at Kyle, "your belief doesn't make any sense!" It was really funny that Kyle thought that girl was on his side for a second! Anyhow, God was so there. So many people came over to the table and encouraged us. I really do hope that our action would get those luke-warm Christians a zap in their spirits that they would not be ashamed of the Gospel and the Absolute Truth. Kyle looked at Gordon and asked where the adults are, and Gordon replied, "I'm an adult and I'm 31. And I'm never gonna die!" That totally made Kyle speechless. God You're so good. The spiritual atmosphere at PC today was totally shifted.
3:40 - 4:40: Snake Head Again
Jon's my prayer partner. After PC we went to the snake head and we started to pray. My heart was so strong that I really didn't care what others think of us anymore--and I just realized that! Come on! Jon told me that when he was walking with Eddie loading the stuff back into the car, they two bumped into Kyle again! This time he seemed more reasonable and approachable. They chatted a little bit, and Kyle told them about why he does not believe in God for he lived in Africa for some time. We all think that unbelief has to do with the famine and the plague over there in the Africa region. Anyhow, we prayed and and prophesied over Kyle's life. I was laughing, cuz I prayed that the next time Kyle speaks at PC, he'll be proclaiming Jesus is Lord! Haha. I can't stop the joy within me. We also prayed that Eddie's words would ring inside of those people at PC and their hearts would be stirred up!
We switched our focus to the Florida primary that happened tonight. We basically prayed for God to speak to the candidates and raise up the one that is pro-life and walking in the Light. We basically prayed for the next US President, whoever that might be. Anyhow, McCain and Clinton won the Florida primary. God I just ask You to give the candidates dreams and visions straight from You so that they will change their stand on issues on abortion, homosexuality, and immigration! God I ask You to appoint the one that will lead this country in Your will! Then we prayed for 24/7 house of prayer to be firmly established on campus. We are just small people with a big God and big dreams! We simply prayed that God would put the burden of prayer in many believers' hearts, and this house of prayer would stand firm in Christ!
At around 4:30 there were around 100 black birds yapping and flying to the north. I don't know whether it had some significance with our prayers or whether God was trying to tell me something, but I still don't quite get it besides the fact that birds migrates to the north in Spring. But it's still winter! God would you show me the meaning behind it!
It was a pleasure praying with a brother who also has a burden in prayer!
5 - 6:15: Library with Brian and Victor
So I called Brian up for I knew that he didn't feel well. He happened to be studying in the library. I went to him and offered him a prayer for his head was hurting and so was his stomach. After the prayer the pain seemed to lessen just a bit, so I offered him another prayer. And then Victor came, and he was totally up for prayers. And Victor and I ended up praying for Brian for like seven times! Then Brian felt so much better and energized! Praise God! I told him that he shouldn't pull all-nighters anytime soon and should get some sleep and drink lots of water. So I left to get some dinner since I fasted lunch. Got some really chicken strips and seasoned fries(yum), and I was on my way back to Revelle.
6:15 - 11: YOPP
Jeff Wong came and picked me up for YOPP was at Robbie's apt today. Jeff's working for Motorola as an engineer since Jan 7th. Robbie lives like 3 minutes away from school and his apt was really nice. I really do hope to move out from campus next year, and his neighborhood seemed really nice and the apt's are nicely built too!
Today Eddie basically shared many of his testimonies when he was young and basically here are some points to tonight's meeting:
- Hypocrisy is the yeast of Pharisee.
- We gotta use this as our weekly schedule: 6 days of war, 1 day of rest in God. David should have gone to war, yet he ended up commiting adultry. Same for us, we need to be alert at all times so we don't leave a hold for Satan to enter.
- The number 1 target of Satan is born-again Christians. Not the wild sunflowers. We are his target. We are on the "wanted" posters all over the city of Hell. Hear this: Satan wants us to fall into temptation so that the world would see our sin and turn away from God! This truth hasn't dawn on me until tonight. We are the #1 TARGET! We really do need to consecrate ourselves and not fell into Devil's trap! Lord please help us and wash us!
So that was my day of LOTS OF PRAYER.
Never have I prayed so much in a day.
I like it. =) You are faithful.
Thank You Jesus. I love You. Forever.
ps. woah. this post took me 2 hours!
pps. i've got a math midterm tomorrow!
ppps. i haven't studied for that yet! Woohoo!
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