1. Psalm 91:1-2

    Monday, March 30, 2009
    By johnny

    Had a great 1st day of class... actually tomorrow would be my "official" first day of class since I kinda slept in this morning and missed two classes (GAH!).

    Spent 2.5 hours hanging out with Eric Yun, a great man of God who has a heart to see walls between churches and ministries tore down and real love being established. He shared with me his walk with Jesus and I shared mine, and we started to share about our journey with music. He's a great guitar player & worship leader and I was all encouraged by his testimonies and his faith! I'm really seeing something amazing God's going to do through Eric in the coming days.

    Spent a good hour worshiping and just pray to Jesus. And somehow Psalm 91 came to me, and as I flipped to Psalm 91 and read the title of the psalm: Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God, Matt Gilman started to sing "I will abide in You, oh come abide in me. For without You, I can do nothing." And I knew then that the Lord's speaking to me through Psalm 91. I will be spending some time reflecting on this psalm during this season of prayer, battle, and excitement.

    PSALM 91:
    Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God

    He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
    Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
    I will say of the Lord,
    "He is my refuge and my fortress;
    My God, in Him I will trust."

    -verse 1, 2-

    Abide - continue without fading or being lost.
    Refuge - a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble. It literally means re- 'back' + fugere 'flee' = back from fleeing.
    Fortress - a heavily protected and impenetrable building. From the Latin root "fortis" which means strong.

    These two verses are pretty self-explanatory; however, the activity these verses are portraying is quite a challenge: to ABIDE in His presence means to be in His presence CONTINUOUSLY WITHOUT FADING. So as we worship, pray, and spend more time reading and meditating on His words, we are abiding in His presence more, and the assured result shall be that we are protected because we are within a fortress. We are refugees searching for a refuge, and the instructions are clear, yet are we willing to walk that road to reach the fortress? Fortresses are usually built on top of a steep hill or with rivers surrounded.

    Well, after those narrow ways and steep hills, you are by the river, and on the other end is the closed gate. What do you do? There's an easy way to get into it: ask the doorkeeper to let down the gate to form a bridge for you to cross the river and enter in.

    Alright, so now you're in the fortress, sweet. I will share another two verses in my next post.

    In my previous post, Solitary Moments, I shared about resting in the presence of God. In this post and the ones to come, I will be hitting on what does it mean to ABIDE with Him in His presence. I'm still learning.

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  2. Solitary Moments

    Friday, March 27, 2009
    By johnny

    I very much enjoy my scarce solitary moments and I cherish every second of them. I would say I enjoy sitting in front of the computer making music more than spending 13 hours at Disneyland, even though that sounds pretty sweet too. I believe Jesus, too, cherished his solitary moments during the last 3.5 years of His life, constantly surrounded by people. Jesus, after feeding the five thousand, went to a solitary place to rest/pray.

    I've been doing some serious resting and I'm loving it; however I also gotta get those prayers to come alongside my resting. Resting is not taking time off from God. Resting should be spending more time with God and rest in His embrace, without any pressure. I really need to have a constant prayer life or else my closet would start to gather dust clouds instead of glory clouds!

    The apostles gathered around Jesus
    and reported to him all they had done and taught.
    Then, because so many people were
    coming and going
    that they did not even have a chance to eat,
    He said to them,
    "Come with me by yourselve
    to a quiet place and get some rest."

    -Mark 6:30~31-

    After all the ministry,
    Jesus told the disciples to rest at a quiet place with Him.
    Just chillax and let the spirit rejuvenate and recharge
    with Him.

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  3. Armor Of God

    Wednesday, March 25, 2009
    By johnny

    Therefore put on the full armor of God...

    1. Belt of Truth
    2. Breastplate of Righteousness
    3. Shoes of Gospel of Peace
    4. Shield of Faith
    5. Helmet of Salvation
    6. Sword of the Spirit

    I get excited when I read these verses.
    Gotta put all of them on before the battle.

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  4. Disneyland + Reflection on Worship

    I can't believe that Disney also joined the MUNNY train.
    Pretty darn expensive. One small toy costs 10 bucks!
    Don't even mention the big ones...nice design though.

    Once again I became a Disneyland tour guide for visiting guests. I really enjoy this job because I get to have lots of fun! However today was my shortest trip to Disneyland ever because we arrived at around 4pm! Well, today was really relaxing for us, we went on Pirates of the Caribbean, Mark Twain ship, and Mattahorn. And at around 7:30 they went to Find Nemo submarine ride while I stayed on Main Street saving spots for the 9:25pm firework show. I spent those 2 hours figure out more things in my phone and downloaded some apps and IM'd with some friends. I have to say that having a smart phone is definitely a blessing. Thanks Jesus.

    On our way back home I was asking Pastor Mike about the role of a worship leader. I especially asked him how, as a worship leader, to prepare for worship sets. I can't even describe what he told me but, man, I got rocked by his long yet dense response to my question. He, at one point, led worship because he wanted to let the band know how important worship is and what role they take on when they play in a band for worship. And the last words he said was,

    "Worship is warfare."

    I know that as a fact and I would not want to go into a battle with out any preparation; I would not want to be even more vulnerable than I am now! Yet I would like to tap into this realm of worship that brings down conviction, salvation, healing, restoration, and repentance. I want to know God's heart for His people even before the music starts. I need to realize more and more that the position of a worship leader and a worship band is dangerous and I need to constantly be alert since it is a "dare-to-die corps / suicide squad" charging in the front line of the battle. In Chinese, we call the squad "敢死隊". The worshipers went out to create an atmosphere that allows God's presence to manifest and a portal of His glory to be opened up, then came the priests.

    I would love to share more on the topic of worship and leading worship in the weeks to come. I am learning so much everyday and God has placed at my side those who are experienced and loving to give me suggestions and advices. This is the breakthrough that I have been wanting, and I am entering into it! There is so much more! I am very excited!!!

    Jesus, O YA KYA!

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  5. Chillax & Chillaugh

    Monday, March 23, 2009
    By johnny

    Man it's been such a long time since I was so relaxed. I really thank God for today.

    Last night after service, I crashed at 7:30pm, and by the time I woke up, it was already 11pm and Jack & Annie came back from dinner with the Kingsleys which I missed! That was a really long nap but I totally needed that to make up for the lack of sleep this past weekend. The baby shower really wore me out, and don't even mention Sunday service... I actually fell asleep on the stage while Pastor Mike was sharing! That's a first! Woo =D

    And then I slept from 4am to 12pm today! So basically I slept for almost 12 hours, and I felt super charged!!! Today was just chillaxing, and I spent about two hours washing and cleaning that Acura black beauty! The car totally deserved a nice shower, and I sure did give it a head-to-toe service: wash, dry, windex, interior wiping, and vaccuming. I'll prob give it a nice wax finish in the next couple days. A good and faithful car servant deserves a thorough cleanin'!

    We had a house meal tonight: steak, baby back ribs, and beef short ribs (YUM!) with the Kingsleys and Jennifer (lucky person who happened to be at church so we invited her along). Over the entire 2.5 hours of dinner, I think we spent more time LAUGHING more than EATING! We sure had a great time laughing at so many random things, and tonight Annie sure got her laugh with Austen! So many fun things happened tonight with the Kingsleys and learning their native longue and they learning Chinese... just hilarious!
    And now all I have to say is....

    Jesus, O YA KYA (pronounced as "cha")!
    Translation: Jesus, You are HOT!

    OH YEA BABY! I loved it tonight, and I bet Jesus was their laughing with us and at our silliness and fun! He loves to laugh! He is a laughing God =D

    The One enthroned in heaven laughs (Psalm 2:4)!

    DISNEYLAND tomorrow!
    Get to be nanny for the entire day! Sweet!

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  6. Baby Shower = GREAT SUCCESS!

    Sunday, March 22, 2009
    By johnny

    This boy better come out strong and mighty on MY BIRTHDAY
    Since we threw him a huge party =D

    GREAT SUCCESS! Praise Jesus!!!!

    Well, here's the original version of Elvis Presley's Blue Suede Shoes.
    Man he sure knows how to sing and do that thang!

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  7. What Happened Today

    Thursday, March 19, 2009
    By johnny
    This is the REAL DEAL parked right there in the parking lot!
    Wish I knew how to steal a bike...prob not. But maybe yea.. =)

    Went to the Westfield mall right down the street
    to hunt for some baby shower stuff & chillax w/ myself.
    It's a really nice outdoor mall with higher-end stores.
    And by the courtyard there are two interesting cows...
    The one in the back has elephants painted on it...weird.

    Well, now I know why Annie wants Pottery Barn kids!
    I went in and really enjoyed looking around!
    They've got real awesome decor for rooms!

    I actually spent a couple hours hanging out with Victor.
    Just learning some G-Tar and talking about music and worship.
    He's like the awesomest man who's not tried 油條 yet!
    I'm taking this ABC to 永和豆漿 this coming week fo sho!

    That was my lunch on Tues - chicken over rice
    from farmer's market's vendor. Good stuff.
    Got a finals goodie bag from Origins friends!

    Last exam tomorrow! I need to Ace this course or else I'll have to repent. It's a Jazz Music class and I'm loving it even though I need to memorize all the artists and their infos and their sounds!

    Out of these 52 jazz artists, Art Tatum captured my attention the most. Why? 1) He's a jazz pianist and 2) His virtuosity and the speed of playing was jaw-dropping and 3) most importantly, he was blind in one eye and with limited vision in another. He died at age of 47. What is up with all these blind musicians that are super duper amazing?! Here's a YouTube of him playing.

    All I have to say is, God really gives everyone different gifts. ahaha.... Praise Him for that.

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  8. Saint Patrick + Media Fast Continues...

    Tuesday, March 17, 2009
    By johnny

    Saint Patrick, a Wales missionary to the Irish people.

    I believe this missionary pioneer planted the first seed of revival in Wales which came in full scale 1500 years later as the Welsh Revival from 1904-1905.

    As one of the earliest Christian missionaries traveling abroad to spread the Christian faith, Saint Patrick is important because he serves as a testament to the overall missionary legacy of the Church. His example afforded later Christian missionaries the opportunity to assess the best methods to employ when confronting pagan groups abroad. Perhaps the most significant aspect of Saint Patrick’s missionary efforts in Ireland was that he transcended the boundary between Church hierarchy and prominent Church Fathers in terms of the viability of missionary pursuits. Saint Patrick proved that any Christian could live out the Scriptural commandment to spread the word of God while “exalting and confessing his wonders before all the nations that are under the heavens." Patrick’s example would inspire later missionaries to undertake great missions to evangelize abroad in later years.

    Let's honor the Saints and remember what they've sewn and we shall do the same.
    Saint Patrick's day is not a day to get drunk in wine but in the spirit! =D

    Notes on fasting....

    I felt like I should keep on fasting for another week, so there, for those facebook friends, I'm sorry you'll have to miss me for another week!

    This week I'm going to focus my prayer on strategies of outreach and save souls. Kingdom invasion and King invitation gotta come hand in hand.

    Just finished two finals in one day. I'm starving!!!! I have another one on Thursday and I'll be done with this quarter! WAH! God is good!

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  9. Day 21 - A Very Long Saturday (part 2) + Sunday

    Monday, March 16, 2009
    By johnny

    Saturday night's message was pretty right on, I'd say. Pastor Mike really spoke out what we needed to hear at the very moment: to be activated, fired up, and in constant expectation again. We need to draw near to Him and know what is on His heart for us in this season of dryness. Scratch that. I don't believe there could be a season of dryness, but just a period of time when we live without water. When the water comes in the right season, then the fruits will be seriously sweet. I can't stress this enough for myself, but it is through the act of pruning that fruits are guaranteed good in the next season. There is a promise that comes from pruning, and we ought to hold on to that. I forgot what Pastor Mike was saying, but I started to had a minor tearing-up moment as I was by the keyboard. Something hit me, and I really needed those tears. I've been wanting to have a tender time for a good month, and I always enjoy how He messes my heart up.

    Then it came to pass the seventh time, that he said,
    “There is a cloud, as small as a man’s hand, rising out of the sea!”
    -1 Kings 18:44-

    If you haven't red Jack's latest post, there was an angelic encounter - during Sunday worship. Ruth, one of the guests from Sacramento and also the daughter of Jack's spiritual grandma, saw an angel standing on the platform. A huge and mighty angel with the wings wide open ready for action. The angel tells Ruth, God sends him here to Impact. During worship, as I was saying, "God, release the angel to minister to us..." the angel told Ruth that he is here all this time and ready to roll!

    I was real encouraged and in awe of this open vision! I really did not think much when I said that but I knew in the spirit that we ought to summon the angels to minister to God's people!

    Isn't God splendid? Nothing is impossible for Him!
    Worship was full of Holy Spirit. I like that a lot.
    Great to have Andy back on the team =D

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  10. Day 21 - A Very Long Saturday (part 1)

    Sunday, March 15, 2009
    By johnny
    First off I want to say that I do not like conferences that much because there are so many "extra" things to do, especially extra practices for the band. But on the other hand, we were really unto a mission and we had to stay focused in learning music.
    I am still learning how to be patient. The Lord has been teaching me on patience. I apologize to everyone whom I got impatience with. I ask for your forgiveness and I ask the Lord to take away my arrogance and impatience and install humility and patience within me so that I can walk more like Jesus and be an example for the world to see.
    Anyhow, this morning's practice was pretty bad comparing to our other Saturday practices. It took us an hour to finish practicing one song (that's pretty close to our record)! I really give a big hand to Andy, Aaron, Grace, and especially KAY, who did a splendid job during worship today! She was struggling during practice for many times, but you could not even tell during worship because she's got Holy Spirit on her back yo!

    Aaron & Andy doing some weird stuff...

    Shinny, Tina, and Kay

    After practice we all went to Souplantation to eat as much as we could for tonight. In the restaurant I came across this table with this African American gentleman on a wheelchair. Found out that his name's Evan and he's been on the wheelchair for almost 7 years due to a car accident. He was having lunch with his family, who are all believers. I offered him a pray for whatever's broken to be healed in the name of Jesus and also I prayed that he would start feeling sensations in both of his numb legs. And surely he told that when we were praying, his leg got really tight! Praise Jesus! Right before I left them alone (lol), the side of my right forearm started to hurt. So I asked them whether a person at his table has some problem with this part of the arm. And Evan told me, "actually at the exact spot which you point at, I have a blood circulation problem." HA! WHEN GOD REVEALS, HE ALWAYS HEALS! So we declare completely healing from that in the name of Jesus! He really knows the love of Christ and he received the healing right on the spot! Got his email. Will check up on him.

    Evan and his family @ Souplantation

    Went to Trader Joe's to check up on Greg. He's been feeling very well, and I believe God really healed him from his shin splint! If you haven't read about this testimony, CLICK HERE! I'm going back next week to share more Jesus with him! Thank You Lord!!

    I then went home to change shoes, and outside of our complex I saw this old couple cruising by the sidewalk with their walkers. The gentleman, Martin, is NINTY-THREE years old, born in 1916. He's basically a historical figure who is still alive and well because he looks lik he's only 80! And his wife, Anna, is 88 years old. Both of them have lots of knee/joint problems. Both are Catholic so they did not mind my praying for them. What I learned from them were so cool: They moved to Arcadia in 1957 and watched this city being built up. Martin was @ D-DAY during WWII. He served as a machine gunner during the 2nd wave of NORMANDY, and his leader was Lt. PATTEN (for those WWII & CoD geeks)! Just be listening to what they had to say really encouraged me because I cannot imagine being married with the same person for 63 years! That's insane!! But God loves covenant relationships. Anyhow, they really appreciated my fellowship with them and listening to their lives stories! They just live down the block so I believe I'll definitely see them around!

    Anyhow, here ends part 1. God is so good!

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  11. Day 20 - A Good Rest

    Saturday, March 14, 2009
    By johnny

    Well, I really did not do much today but rested for this weekend's conference with Pastor Mike. I am very glad that I took a 3-hour nap, however I felt like I was getting a little sick cuz of the stuffy nose and my head felt heavy and dizzy. But in Jesus' name, LEAVE! I'm excited because it'll be a real good one and I believe many will be touched by the love of God!

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  12. Day 19 - Swing Low

    Friday, March 13, 2009
    By johnny
    Woke up this morning feeling a little sick, but after declaring victory for a while, I felt much, much better. Today was all about the last classes before finals. After learning about all those technical terms about the brain and how that related to the development of languages, I got a bit confused and grouchy. Sometimes you just have that "TODAY IS NOT MY DAY" feeling, and I was feeling that as I went to my Jazz Music History class. I love this class because it really opened my knowledge of jazz, and today we watched parts of Miles Davis' Biography documentary. If you listen to jazz music, then you HAVE TO KNOW Miles Davis. This virtuoso trumpet player created his own legacy in jazz music and will be forever remembered.

    I then met up with Garrett, one of three brothers who I have heart covenant with, and we started to share what's been going on since the last time we met back in January. I shared with him the testimony of the Mall Invasion and Library Walk Encounter. Man, how I love sharing what God has done and feeding me spirit man with those nutritious food! To me, Garrett is like THE MAN besides Jesus. After sharing the healing testimonies with him, he asked me whether I've heard of Bethel Church! Haha... It's a small world after all... dalalala....

    Anyhow, he then shared with me about what's been on his heart. He just got back from Chile beginning of 2009, and he is going to graduate in June, and then he will be moving back home to Ventura. This season is especially rough for him because he is transitioning from Chile to SD to Ventura in a short 6-month period! We really shared our hearts out and prayed with each other, and the Holy Spirit was there tugging our hearts gently as we lift each other up. The three of us (Garrett, I, and Holy Spirit) were having an awesome time over Greek food.

    As I was on my way back to Arcadia, I popped in Kris Vallotton's message series called ALL THE KING'S MEN. He talked about King David and those people around him. The first message is about Jonathan and David. Jonathan would DIE for David because he loved him so much to an extent that he gave up his right to become the next king (his father was king Saul) and gave his position to David. Sometimes the only way to fulfill our dream is to give it away and submit under someone else's dream and build a covenant relationship that is beyond ministry and work. We cannot value ministry over relationship.

    He talked about the king that tried to rebuild the city of Jericho (Jack talked a little about it on Sunday). That king had to lose his FIRST and SECOND born sons! I would not trade anything for the LIFE of MY SONS, yet that king did. I simply cannot afford losing relationships. Jesus was and is all about covenant relationships.

    After that message, I started to feel really heavy in my head and really stuffy inside of my entire nasal system. So I turned off the music and started to just focus on driving. Then I started just doing some singing in tongues. I haven't done that for quite a long time, and it was pretty nice to yell as loud as I could when no one is around, and driving 70 mph was a plus. Well, I finally got home safely, PRAISE THE LORD! The drive was little less than 2 hours, but it seemed like 4 hours had passed because I was not feeling well. Long story short, now I'm feeling just fine, just tired and need some rest for tomorrow as I start doing some reviewing for my finals (Lord help me!) and working on some Baby Shower stuff.

    I am very excited for this weekend even though I do not know what's going to happen!

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  13. Day 18 - Art Work & Studio Work

    Thursday, March 12, 2009
    By johnny
    Well, this morning, Helena presented her another art project -- with some of us standing on the head of the serpent. She took the entire class over as we were standing upon the head of the snake with LIFE tapes over our mouths. It was a powerful moment as we sang Nothing But the Blood together after putting our tapes in our hands. The class were pretty mcu hweird out, but the Lord was there with us as we "Completing the Artwork" by crushing the head of the snake under our feet. I am so encouraged by her boldness and obedience to the Lord! Great is her reward in Heaven!

    Anyhow, from 1pm to 10pm I basically locked myself up in this tiny office space doing some recording. It's about time that I start doing something about those music in my notes. I spent a little time thinking about what sound I want to go after, and I felt that I should just do a piano-only (with some pads) album. On one hand, I still don't quite like my sound in recording, and on the other hand, I don't need to worry about singing!

    Recording is a really good challenge for me because it forces me to play with accuracy and care, or else I would have to keep redo the same line over and over again until I get it right. Moreover, I learned that it is SO HARD to play with METRONOME!!! In order to be efficient, one would have to record with metronome in order to stay in measure bars -- very essential for editing because it would be much easier to count the beat and not to loose count of the measures. However, because of time crunch, I just played without following the metronome or the measures on the program. It was quite alright for me because I only used one instrument.

    So, um, yea, stay tuned for this demo. I found this song I wrote back in MARCH 2005! And, of course, having this so-called "universal artist pet-peeve", I felt like that song was so cheesy and I couldn't believe I wrote that. Haha.... Always improving and never satisfied with my current work. I can get so pumped with a new song that I wrote for a maximum of a week, I think. What do you artists think about your previous works?

    Nonetheless, some songs are still pretty sweet, and you will definitely hear some tunes you've never heard from me before because I've never sung it more than once. I might even record one song with singing... that's still pending. But, yes, I just want to throw this out to the world that I am doing some recording for my own project!

    I don't think I've ever been so productive in recording music; I've got 5 tracks down in a day and I'm feeling pretty good about them. Maybe 5 more during spring break and I'll be giving myself a nice birthday gift when April comes =D

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  14. Day 17 - CAUTION: Contagious Glory

    Wednesday, March 11, 2009
    By johnny
    PREPARE your HEART and
    through these WORDS of

    Lael, Victor, Gordon, Joshua, Grace
    Eddie, Dana, Helena, and Zowie
    --PART 1--
    Out on the library walk changing the world, shifting the atmosphere, and taking our authority over the devil.Grace's worship was so powerful that the peace of God fell upon library walk today! She is surely an anointed worshiper! Praise Jesus!

    Latrice, this lady who works at the library came out and told us that as soon as she walked out of the library walk, she felt the Holy Spirit because she heard Grace's worship! She said she was not even planning to walk this way!! Come on! Actually I started to talk to her because as she was walking my way, my right knee tingled a little bit, and I asked her whether she has pain on her right knee, and sure she does! She's a strong believer, and she knew I was having a Word of Knowledge(that blew my mind and gave me so much encouragement!).
    She started to bawl and praise Jesus and had a very tender encounter with the Holy Spirit as she prayed in tongues. I prayed for healing over her right knee and she received the healing because WHEN GOD REVEALS, HE ALWAYS HEALS! Even though she did not have pain when I asked her, she said sometimes she would feel pain. So we declare complete healing over that right knee in the name of Jesus! I love how the Lord encounters His children who are so in love with Him.

    --Part 2--

    Another really cool thing happened:

    After Latrice left, I was praying and just looking around at the people, and suddenly my RIGHT CALF MUSCLE started to twitch as I was looking at this man, Tom Colley, standing by Victor. He is supervising all the events on library walk and is all for freedom of speech. I was not sure whether it was him, so as my eyes turned from him to another person, the twitch stopped. So I went up to him and told him about what's happening, and he said, "Nope. My muscles are feeling fine." And then he started to talk about weird stuff like, "I used to feel people's pain before as I was working as a tharapist. I quit because of the emotional pain...." Something like that, just interesting stuff. Before I could go deeper with him about Jesus, he left.

    So after our time on the library walk ended, we(the group) were sitting by the grass sharing hearts and being encouraged by each other. Somehow Tom came back to say hi to the group, and the first thing he said was, "Hey, guess what? As I was walking up some stairs just now, my RIGHT CALF MUSCLE started to hurt!" And I was stunned for about 5 seconds. He told me that he is fine now, but I believe God wanted to show him that He is ALWAYS WATCHING! This is something so intriguing!

    God actually gave me a Word of Knowledge for an event that would happen in the FUTURE! If Tom did not come back to share that with me, I would not have this revelation! Thank You JESUS!!!! I'm just so so so humbled once again that I KNOW it's not ME who does the healing or has the knowledge. Wow.

    ...when He, the Spirit of truth, has come,
    He will guide you into all truth;
    for He will not speak on His own authority,
    but whatever He hears He will speak;
    and He will tell you things to come.
    -John 16:13-

    Can't get enough of it? Get ready for MORE!! =D

    --Part 3--

    I saw this guy, GREG, walking out of Student Health Services (which is right on library walk) with his left arm + ring finger + pinky wrapped up. He fractured his pinky for the millionth time. At first he was using all those swear words to describe his condition, but as I started to share with him the testimony of Pilar @ Arcadia Mall (THE VIDEO ON TOP OF THIS BLOG), his heart was stirred and I felt the Spirit changed his heart. He let me pray and lay my hand over his hand, and he told me that he felt TINGLEY sensation during the prayer! So I just encouraged him to pay close attention to that for the next 24 hours because tingling is a sign that God is healing him. And I felt his spirit was tenderized because (not to boast or anything) I was there to release the presence of God over him! He showed great gratitude toward my prayer, and I give God all the glory yaw! =D

    --Part 4--
    (Best for Last!)
    Later tonight night Peter and I did Project Elisha for THREE HOURS STRAIGHT. We went over Lesson 2 - God's Plan of Salvation & Lesson 3 - Holy Spirit. Man that material is full of treasures! I am very grateful for having an clearly outlined material! Anyhow, we went over every verse that's on the sheet and discussed what popped out to us in each lesson. I shared with him that during this media fast, I have been tested in so many ways, and I believe I would come out of this fast a free man from bondages of all types of media. We shared so much and he shared with me that he really wanted to feel the Holy Spirit because for the past 3 years since he became a believer, he couldn't focus during worship; on ther other words, he does not enjoy worship because he does not usually feel the presence of God within. It is not because he does not love Jesus or anything like that.

    This is the main reason: He tries to use his brain to perceive Jesus rather than open his heart to receive Jesus. (Man that's some good word right there Johnny) It's the matter of the heart. He knows what is going on, and he desires a breakthrough.

    So after going through lesson 3 about the Holy Spirit, we started to pray. And man God was right there in the midst of us (Matt. 18:20)! I started to feel the weight of His Glory upon my hands, so I hovered my hand over his hands, which were in the receiving position. And THERE! Peter felt the GLORY (aka WEIGHT) right there in between our hands! I felt like there were two electric balls right there like DRAGONBALL Z's Kamehameha aka 龜派氣功 (no joke lol)! God's presence was all over us and as we were confessing our sins with one another and be healed and set free from bondages and sins (James 5:16)! It was Peter's first time feeling the weight of His Glory EVER!!! And it was super intense in all the good ways! We were amazed how tangible God's presence was tonight right there in the middle of the student center's food court! He also felt that the entire atmosphere was shifted and he had one of his first IMPRESSION/VISION that he saw in his spirit a beam of light shooting up the sky in the midst of the darkness, and he felt that light is right there where we were sitting at. I'm excited for what God has in store for this man! Wahahah!!!! Man I wanna do more Project Elisha with him and get him drunk in the spirit in no time! Come on, Holy Spirit You're awesome.

    As we were about to leave @ around midnight, we saw Ben, a leader from a fellowship on campus, and we shared with him what happeend and he got so pumped that he started to pray with us, and that was something real sweet. Thought I'd throw that out cause he came right in time to join the party!

    Alright, I think that's enough for today, getting ready for another amazing day. I love that every day is different and fun! God is so creative! Man I'm receiving some breakthroughs and I'm not even done with the fast! LOL! Bring it on!

    And I pray for you readers right now to be filled by the Spirit of truth which reveals more of who Jesus is and show you the plans that God has made for you! Receive it! Amen!

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  15. Day 16 - Baby Shower

    Tuesday, March 10, 2009
    By johnny
    Jennifer, Amy, Annie, and Momo @ Party City

    Well, as you can see, we were having some good fun @ Party City today with the mom-to-be! Anyhow, it's pretty chillaxing coordinating this baby shower. I don't feel any intensity in it but I just believe we'll have a great time and the Jesus will be there with us celebrating Austen's arrival and honoring the parents! It's going to be an amazing baby shower, however I am raising some fund for the entire event, so if you feel moved to chip in for some decoration/food/miscellaneous fund, please contact me or Momo! We need at least $300 to cover the decor and food for 30 people!

    Stay excited and in awe of what God's doing and who He is!

    There are many plans in a man’s heart,
    Nevertheless the LORD’s counsel—that will stand.
    -Proverbs 19:21-

    Cease listening to instruction, my son,
    And you will stray from the words of knowledge.
    -Proverbs 19:27-

    These two verses popped out as I was reading Proverbs 19. Man this is some good stuff. Most of these wrods not hard to understand, yet we often fail at following the instructions in this book of wisdom! I do not want to stray from the words of knowledge! Lord help me to listen to instructions ceaselessly!

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  16. Day 14 - Breakthrough

    Sunday, March 8, 2009
    By johnny
    @ Arcadia Mall doing some Mall Invasion
    Left to right: Kathy (Kat), Jennifer, Pilar, and Marisoro

    Well, some bullet points of SO MUCH that happened in less than 24 hours!

    - Worship practice had a new sound that came out! I felt like we were stepping into a realm that we've never been before! I'm pumped for worship tomorrow.

    - Prophesied blindfolded and got so encouraged because the words were pretty darn right on! Sweet Jesus! I like it when I'm blindfolded because I can actually be more bold than when I can see that person (cuz doubt would kick in more in this case)!

    - Videotaped CITY INVASION @ Arcadia mall with WAVE people. And this lady got healed from left knee pain and we're believing that God did a creative miracle to replace her left knee! This will be in the video testimony.

    - Also Jennifer got her KAT (a treasure hunt word)! It's in the video.

    - Steven's very first time finding someone with a cast on the left ankle (exactly what he wrote down!)!!! I'm proud of you, Steven! See? God likes you a lot and He gave you a real amazing word to boost up your faith and my faith too!

    - God showed up in a measure that was beyond my imagination! WOOHOO!!!

    I'll post the healing testimony tomorrow! Stay tuned!!!
    I'm believing tomorrow we're going to the throne room!

    Jesus, thank You. You are too good to me. I like it a lot!

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  17. Day 13 - Trader Joe's Encounter

    Saturday, March 7, 2009
    By johnny

    I was at Trader Joe's in Morovia with Annie today, and as we were getting some milk, out of no where the front of my shin (both the muscle and the bone) is hurting very badly as if someone was stabbing it with a knife, causing an extremely sharp pain. It came so suddenly that I knew right away that God wants to do something.

    I looked around, searching for the person I should talk to, while praying and asking the Lord for direction at the same time. Right next to us stood this guy who works at Trader Joe's. He was doing some restocking of bread and toasts. Well, my shin was still hurting like crazy, but I still wanted a confirmation. So I walked away from the guy, and the pain lessened, but when I got closer to him, the pain came back even more. Just when I was about to take a step toward him, he walked into the storage area in the back of the market. O great. What now?

    Well, praise the Lord for second chances! He came back out and I basically approached him and said, "Hey, I know it may sound weird, and I hope you don't have it, but by any chance you have a very sharp pain right in front of this part of your leg?" (I pointed and rubbed my shin. It was still hurting pretty badly) He looked a little confused, so I went on, "I'm a Christian, and sometimes God would give me sudden pains to tell me that He wants to heal someone from that pain."

    And he said, "Yea, woah, that's crazy. I had a shin splint right at the spot you're pointing at, and I actually tore my ACL (anterior cruciate ligament, one of the four main ligaments at the knee)." He told me he felt fine at the moment, but every now and then his shin would get sore. So I prayed a 30-sec prayer, believing that he was completely healed from injury in the name of Jesus! He did not feel any heat or electricity, but his heart was stirred fo sho! Wooo! Well, I told him that God really loves him and desires to heal him completely from it and through that to demonstrate His love for him. He was in awe and encouraged cause he just had a taste of the love of Christ!

    The guy's name is Greg. I'm definitely going back to Trader Joe's to check up on him and to share more about the Kingdom he just encountered tonight right by all the milk cartons, and, of course, the King who lives within the Kingdom.

    Well, after that encounter and as I got some CAT COOKIES FOR PEOPLE (the best cookie in TJ!), that shin pain left for good! And guess what? Our cashier, a lady who has 3 kids, told Annie something that we believe is from the Lord, she said, "pay close attention to the FIRST DREAM you have for your child. I've had dreams for my kids and they all happened in real life." So Annie, you better start dreamin' some BILLION-SOUL REVIVAL dream for Austen!

    Come on, Jesus, You rock my world.
    Annie said something real good just now:
    I'm so thankful and encouraged to know that there are angels around us!
    That's right, sista. We've got our back covered.

    Who are those that have turned the world upside down?
    -Acts 17:6-

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  18. Day 12 - Eradication & Covenant

    Friday, March 6, 2009
    By johnny
    Not going into all the detail, I just thank the Lord for what He's done today and help me to reestablish myself. Any behavior that fails to glorify God is sinful. Today was a good pruning day that I once again dig deep into myself and see who I really am and how much I need God's grace and mercy once again. I am so thankful for His mercy. Lord, please keep on pruning me and eradicate everything that is not from You. I do not want event a leaf if that is not of Your desire. I want to know Your heart.

    "Careful what you pray for,
    cuz I'm going to answer it!"
    - Jesus

    Lord, before You now I now make a covenant with..
    my eyes - everything I see is to glorify You
    my nose - every air I breathe is to glorify You
    my ears - every sound I hear is to glorify You
    my mouth - every word I speak is to glorify You
    my mind - every thought I have is to glorify You
    my hands - every work I do is to glorify You
    my feet - every step I take is to glorify You
    my heart - every beat of it is to glorify You

    ...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
    -Romans 3:23-

    For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God
    is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
    -Romans 6:23-

    These verses are speaking right to my heart like never before.

    I am all Yours. Please cut off those branches that produce bitter fruit or no fruit at all. Make me beautiful, Jesus.

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  19. Day 11 - GOD IS SELFISH

    Wednesday, March 4, 2009
    By johnny
    So here's my little message for myself and for you to receive what is from the Lord and throw away what is not from Him. And please do digest and take some time to think about what I'm about to write. And please do comment on this! I want to hear what you have to say about it.


    1. God's Love is Jealous

    For love is as strong as death,
    Jealousy as cruel as the grave.
    -Song of Solomon 8:6-

    When it comes to love, God never compromises.
    He is jealous for His people. He desires them so much that He gets all emotional and jealous because HE LOVES US and he does not want us to love this world or follow anyone else of this world but Him and Him alone.
    (Note: God is perfect, and His jealousy is not of this world. Therefore, this is the Holy Spirit jealousy and not the spirit of jealousy of this world which is manipulated by the devil ot blind many.)

    2. God's Love is Violent

    Its flames are flames of fire,
    A most vehement flame.
    Many waters cannot quench love,
    Nor can the floods drown it.
    -Song of Solomon 8:6~7-

    When it comes to love, God never compromises.
    He holds in His hands swords that are ready to slay anything between us and Him. God's love gets all flame'd up and burns with violent flame that turns all the other lovers into ashes and dries up the flood. HE LOVES US. He would fight for what belongs to Him but is now stolen.
    (Note: God is altogether righteous and just, and His violence is not toward men but toward Satan, the principalities, and the gods of this world.)

    3. God's Love is Selfish

    ...as a bridegroom [loves] his bride,
    so will your God [love] you.
    -Isaiah 62:5-

    When it comes to love, God never compromises.
    I believe selfishness gives birth to and is the root of jealousy and violence. I shared the idea of God being a selfish God to Jennifer, and she was a bit taken back by my choice of words. However, after I decribed the word SELFISH in the context of love, everything falls into place. I asked her, "When you get married, would you like share your husband with other women?" HECK NO was her respond. So yea, I believe all the emotions we have are from God, including the feeling of selfish in the context of Love. He is selfish when someone else wants to share His beloved ones with Him.
    (Note: The enemy is using men's selfishness to tear down relationships, but God's selfishness is to RESTORE our relationship with Him.)

    4. God's Love is Selfless

    But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
    While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
    -Romans 5:8-

    When it comes to love, God never compromises.
    I was only going to type out the first three points, but then I was reminded through chatting with Jennifer, that God is so selfless that He became a man and died on a cross and was made ransom for the past, present, and future sins of this world. This is the core of the Gospel. Many times when I start pondering upon Christ's love, my mind would start spinning and my head literally would feel like exploding because even just the thought of it is too much to contain. Go try doing it. And see whether this love would make you crazy (literally and metaphorically...haha).

    So here's my conclusion:
    God is violent because He is jealous.
    God is jealous because He is selfish.
    God is selfish because He is selfless.

    He is selfish when it comes to the enemy,
    but He is selfless when it comes to us.

    Wanna know how I got all these?

    Earlier tonight I was IMing with a friend, and I started to talk about how God desires our love back to Him. Then my friend typed something like this... not to be a pain, but God is forcing us to live under His guidelines. You're just trapped under Him. Isn't that selfish?

    And suddenly, to her and to my surprise, I typed, "God is selfish." The Lord then starting to remind me of who He is as I typed on continuously...

    isn't love selfish?
    it is personal
    it is a jealous love
    it is a violent love
    so violent that is as strong as death
    this God gets so jealous that He became man
    because He desires His people

    That's why I'm sharing this tonight.
    EVERYTHING comes down to the Love of Jesus.

    Woah. Thank You Jesus for this revelation.
    Thank You for unveiling another layer of You to me. Even though I've known all these, now I'm seeing Your Love in a deeper and fresher way. What is the length, the depth, the width, and the height of the love of Christ?
    Thank You for Your love. I will not die, I will live.

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  20. Day 10 - Library Walk Encounter

    Tuesday, March 3, 2009
    By johnny
    Peter with that CRAZY SIGN on Library Walk today!

    That's right. Victor held another sign that says "JESUS IS LOVE". I felt led to write "WOULD YOU LIKE A MIRACLE" on my board. If you have read one of my LONGEST POSTs about a year ago (if you want to read it, be my guest!), I held up a sign that says "CAN WE PRAY FOR YOU". So today, I held up the new sign, hoping to provoke people's thoughts and logic, and also to create an atmosphere that builds up faith for the supernatural to invade the natural.

    Me with that good ol' sign back on Feb 21, 2008!

    Well, as expected, many people told me that they wouldn't like a miracle, or they would like to PASS THEIR CLASSES or get STRAIGHT A's. I was a little disheartened to hear what these students desires--better grade. There is so much more than a piece of paper with alphabets. Anyhow, I talked with this girl from another table that is about this religion which believes that all gods are from the same god. I found her belief contradict with itself, but I shared Jesus with her. Lord, Your heart aches for her to return! You are the best.

    Anyhow, for 2.5 hours we were out on the Library Walk, holding up signs and worship Jesus. Eventually this African-American guy walked up to me and we started a 40-minute conversation about Jesus. His name is Tim, and he is a 4th year student who has been attending InterVarsity and Bible Studies. I started to share with him my personal testimonies on healing, and I got so excited while he was in awe! I shared about Jesus Culture and the lady's hip problem (YouTube video on the right-hand bar), and Tim's heart was stirred. Lord I thank You for Tim, and I believe that he would start stepping out in faith, and through that step You would bring healing before Tim's eyes because You honor his obedience and love! We had a really awesome talk and exchange testimonies. I'm looking forward to hanging out with him again! It was SUPER ENCOURAGING! And I got to see Garrett and talked to him for a little while! I love that man of God. I believe this brotherhood would go on for eternity.

    Prayed for this girl who injured her ligament by her left knee playing soccer. I felt heat on my hand during the prayer, and she felt it too! Even though she did not feel comfortable trying something intense, I told her to try doing something she couldn't do before when she gets home. Well, thank You Jesus that she is healed even tonight!

    Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit
    He takes away;
    and every branch that bears fruit
    He prunes,
    that it may bear more fruit.
    -John 15:2-

    Jesus, thank You for strengthening me.
    Keep on pruning me, please do.


    ps. Please do pray for me during this season, and everyday I would face different temptations, and praise Jesus that He has been leading me into the path of righteousness. I believe I would conquer day after day until the enemy cannot even get into my life! Thank You Holy Spirit for constantly reminding me who I am and what lifestyle I should live out! I love You.

    pps. If you haven't read ANNIE'S DREAM, YOU HAVE TO!!!! Another detailed part was added regarding to some yellow melons! Sweet!
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  21. Day 9 - Baby Shower & ANNIE's Dream!

    BABY SHOWER on March 21st, 2009
    ****Répondez Sil Vous Plaît (RSVP)****

    Annie woke up this morning and told me her dream. It is an incredible dream that involves fighting, needle-throwing, tongue-praying, and background-music-blasting! I'll throw in my two cents, and y'all can chip in some heavenly interpretation.

    Annie was at a theatre (civic auditorium) with Jack & some people from impact, waiting for a show to start. They were sitting on the right in the back, facing the stage. Jack was sitting by the aisle. A young lady came by and asked whether she could sit next to them, Annie said yes. As she sat down, Jack (with a nose ring) turned to Annie and gave her an annoyed face. He said, "the girl is pregnant with a child inside of her eye!" (He meant the lady was carrying a bad spirit). When Annie heard that, she started singing in the spirit towards that lady. The lady got a little irritated and she left after a brief exchange of conversation with Jack/Annie.


    Jack & Annie were in front of, but at a distance from a Japanese-temple-like building (the building has a sign which says the name of the building: XX居 -> it's a Japanese culture to name the building in this manner). They were actually cutting open YELLOW MELONS in half and about to enjoy them with a spoon. And that the same moment, Annie could hear a background music playing (electric piano, playing ostonato (arpeggio). dadadada, dadadada, dadadada, JESUS). The music is very intense, like those music you would hear in a movie when there's a battle scene.
    As the music started to play, the lady walked out from that building and she started to attack them by shooting needles/pins at Jack. Jack was praying in the spirit, sensing God's presence like an aurora around him, however some needles (at least a dozen of them) came through the aurora and pierced through his brown jacket by the left shoulder. When Annie saw that, she ran toward jack and hugged him from the side, praying in tongue. She then took those pins on Jack's coat and throw them back at the lady, and the needles shot the lady's forehead, and also the building and the sign.

    The lady got pissed and took out a fencing-sword, and started walking toward them. Annie thought, "oh no, she cannot pierce through my belly!" And the moment she had that thought, she knew it was the fear from the enemy. So her mind refused the thought right at the instant and changed to, "NO, Jesus will protect my baby!" Then also in her mind, "Lord, blind her eyes."

    Then the dream ends. She woke up with the background music still ringing in her ears.


    As I was listening to her telling me the dream, I knew this dream is from the Lord. And I think one of the main messages from this dream is that during this season of fighting with the enemy...

    1. Jack would be pierced, yet the enemy can only pierce the needle through the jacket and not damage anything else to him (just minor damages to the outer layer).

    2. Jack would be on defense during this season through prayer and standing firm, and Annie is the one who takes the offensive side in the battle -- throwing back at the enemy with the same needles. And through that Annie would do some serious damage to the enemy (forehead) and his kingdom (the building, and the sign) even though she does not have perfect aim(does not know where to attack, yet throwing the needles at the right direction). I guess the enemy does not have a shield.

    3. And, of course, God's protecting them and being their SHIELD as they are in this rough battle. Singing in the SPIRIT would tick the enemy off; praying in the SPIRIT would bring protection from ABOVE. And Annie would had a moment of doubt as the enemy intensify his attack, yet she would get right back on track because the Lord is with her and the Holy Spirit is there to strengthen her.

    I don't quite get the first part, especially with "the girl is pregnant with a baby in her eye" part. I think this could be deep. There could be a connection between that and Annie's prayer: "Lord, blind her eyes." Maybe?

    I love this dream! My faith is really boosted up another level =D
    AUSTEN! You are a supernatural baby with a supernatural family!
    And as for you readers, THROW IN YOUR 2 CENTS AND COMMENT!!!

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  22. Day 8 - March is Here!

    Monday, March 2, 2009
    By johnny
    I really really REALLY enjoyed yesterday's service. Man the Lord was on to something! I'd say yesterday was a breakthrough for us, especially for those who are still new to this prophetic thing! It was a good service, and Aaron, Matthias, and Paul did a wonderful job sharing about LOVE and PROPHECY. Just the night before I was pondering about how we should prophesy yet not offend people? And after their sharing about what they learned, I now can know the way to discern what words of prophecy, and prophesy to others out of Christ's love and not of my own agenda.

    Acts 2:17

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  23. Day 7 - Reflection #1

    Sunday, March 1, 2009
    By johnny
    This week of my media fast has been fairly interesting.

    And this fast has been helping me to discover my weaknesses and, through the process of digging within, God's strength will definitely show. It is a humbling experience when you know that you cannot really do anything unless the Lord uses you. The other day I was sharing with Victor that I've come to a place where sometimes I want to pray for healing because I want to see healing, and, honestly, to feel good. Well, if my starting point is wrong, then I don't think I can reach where I supposedly should go.

    I am just so glad that I have been spending more time reading the Word, listening to sermons, reading books, and having more fellowship with Jesus instead of going on facebook, surfing the web, or watch stupid Bobby Lee or OUCH, Charlie videos (they are real funny though!). It's definitely good to have some relax moments, but to rest does not mean to stop my fellowship with God, but rather to have MORE fellowship with God and LESS ministry, work, and worldly fun.

    I have done different kinds of fasting, and this fasting has been very rewarding, and I strongly encourage people to go on a media fast (no facebook, TV, web-surfing, newspaper, secular music, and movies). You will see that you actually have SO MUCH TIME (*wink*)!! God is good and I am surely looking forward to the 2nd week of this fast! Thank You Jesus. You are a faithful God.


    ps. I just found an article talking about Uganda's witchcraft rituals. It breaks my heart to see what this country is going through. I hate the devil. READ IT HERE.
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blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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