Chapter 4 - The Release Test

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
By johnny
An effective leader knows how to empower others.

This test is very essential because it tests the heart of a leader toward those he mentors and trains. This chapter examines whether his heart is selfish (cares more about himself) or selfless (cares about developing and empowering others).

1. Are you a leader who can spot potential in others? How?
Okay. This question got me. Larry writes, "Attentive leaders are those who can spot potential in others. They can look at someone and see the dreams inside of them regarding what they can become for Jesus Christ... People need others who will help them unlock their dreams and then release them to use their gifts." So here I am reading this chapter, and all that's going through my mind is "how I can be an attentive leader who can spot potentials in others".I am definitely still in the process of learning to see into others the dreams that God has put within their hearts and draw those dreams out and help them to partner up with the Holy Spirit and make those dreams realities! How? I would do whatever I can to have them take classes and go to seminars to learn about their "callings" and "talents" God has predestined! Jack, my spiritual dad & my brother-in-law (some people call it the in-love instead of in-law), he really has an gift of seeing the potential within others and put them in the right places so that their talents can grow and multiply! I want to have that kind of gift, too, Jesus.

2. How are you making room for new leaders in your organization?
Well, I don't have an organization per se, but right now I have someone who I co-lead the home group with, and so far we have not had any "new leaders" yet, but I believe in the future I will come back to this question!

3. Are you secure enough in your leadership to trust others to carry on with the work that you've started?
What a question. I admit that sometimes I would have this insecurity attack, and I can still remember there were many occasions when I gave away the work I've started to someone else but I would not be able to let go of it (hence the release test)! So now I really need God to take away any insecurity within me and give me grace to trust Him and trust those whom I empower! Larry writes, "Only a dysfunctional parent would try to keep his son or daughter at home to help him fulfill his own vision."

4. How have you personally helped a young leader break through to new levels of ministry potential?
I do not think I can answer this question just yet.... so.... SKIP! Maybe there are small breakthroughs but I just can't seem to remember at this moment.

5. How many potential leaders are you currently mentoring, and who are they mentoring?
As of now, I am mentoring a brother, but he's mentoring someone just yet. I know he will! I really want to pour out my life upon someone else so that he will pour our his life for someone else! More, Lord!

6. How is releasing young leaders directly correlated to spiritual mothering and fathering?
Mentoring is basically the same thing as spiritual parenting. Like leaders releasing those they trained, Larry writes, "A secure parent releases his children, encouraging his son or daughters to excel to greater heights than he ever did. Parents get under their children and find out what is in their hearts and help them fulfill their own vision... [Parents] do not necessarily do everything for their children, but they help find those who can serve as resources to them." That pretty much sums all six questions up!

"Genie, you are free!"

stay tuned for Chapter 5 - The Priorities Test


blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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