Building My House On The Rock Continuously

Monday, December 10, 2007
By johnny
Everyone who hears my words and puts them into practice
is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
-Matthew 7:24-

If you've read the post from yesterday(actually this early morning), I slept at 5am. And I woke up at 2pm! Praise the Lord! When I woke up I got a text message from Sam, my best bud over in MA. He asked me to pray for his friend's college ED and the result should come out today. So I prayed for his friend and text messaged back the prayer to him. I was like...thank you God that Sam's opening up to ask me to pray for him. I am honored.

Around 5pm I got a call from Kevin, a great friend whom I led him through the sinner's prayer about two months ago(Praise Him! I'll put that testimony up sometime later). He's at U Wisconsin right now studying Civic & Environmental Engineering--in other words, he's captain planet. For real I haven't talked to him on the phone for more than a month and half and I've been praying for him that he would find a good fellowship that he can grow in faith and experience God in daily life. He actually called because of his final project-a survey. I was like....what the...but anyways I simply praised God that he actually have some time to call people and catch up with some friends. He told me that his life has been a lot better since the chaos happened two months ago. He's been busy with school work and is quite stressed out. So before handing up I offered a prayer for him--his school work, finals, relationships with friends, and his searching for his purpose. God won't You come and touch Kevin's heart and reveal Yourself to him in a way that no one can imagine! And after the talk I got a text from Sam, saying that his friend got the ED and thank God! Praise the Lord indeed. Woohoo!

God You're so good. I didn't have to look for anyone to pray for; you prepared three people for me to pray for--Sam, Sam's friend, and Kevin. You are just out of my imagination already! I just want to keep on experience you in a fresh way every day as I'm moving along on the road of A Person A Day challenge. Today's DAY 8.

God's prepared a person for my challenge tomorrow already! And I'm very excited. And now it's time to study some math for tomorrow night's final! Please keep me in your prayers. I need to focus on school work just for one more week, and of course I would love to do well and really understand what I've learned this quarter. Thank You all reading my blog and may my words here be unto you a blessing.


ps. Shane & Shane's music is simply full of oil! I'm loving it!


December 11, 2007 3:05 AM Sarah Wang

which album are you listening to? (shane & shane)

December 11, 2007 11:12 AM johnny

Upstairs and Pages. Both are amazing albums.

blind eyes open you only live once.
open your eyes.
His love never fails. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
~Ephesians 2:10~

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